Page 502 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 502


                S1/2         The learner          The learner           Present a commentary/critique on a chosen creative nonfictional text      Week 11-20
             2  Quarter/     understands the      competently           representing a particular type or form (Biography/Autobiography,
             4  Quarter      distinction between  delivers an artistic   Literary Journalism/Reportage, Personal Narratives, Travelogue,
                             and among creative  presentation           Reflection Essay, True Narratives, Blogs, Testimonies, Other Forms)
                             nonfiction types     summarizing and
                             and forms.           analyzing the form,
                                                  theme and
                                                  techniques of a
                                                  chosen creative
                                                  nonfictional text.
                             The learner          The learner writes    Write a mini critique of a peer’s work based on coherence and
                             understands that     a clear and           organization of paragraphs, development of literary elements use of
                             mastery of the       coherent critique     factual information, and other qualities concerning form and content
                             basic forms, types,   and an interesting   Write a draft of creative nonfiction piece based on memorable real-life
                             techniques and       and engaging          experience
                             devices of creative   creative nonfiction.  Revise the draft based on desirable qualities of well-written creative
                             nonfiction enables                         nonfiction
                             him/her to
                             effectively critique
                             and write creative

        Grade Level: Grade 11/12
        Subject: Creative Writing

                                  Content            Performance
              Quarter                                                                  Most Essential Learning Competencies                        Duration
                                 Standards            Standards
                S1/2         The learners have    The learners shall   Use imagery, diction, figures of speech, and specific experiences to        Week 1-10
             1  Quarter/     an understanding     be able to produce  evoke meaningful responses from readers
             3  Quarter      of imagery, diction,  short paragraphs or
                             figures of speech,   vignettes using
                             and variations on    imagery, diction,
                             language.            figures of speech,
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