Page 501 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 501
Grade Level: Grade 11/12
Subject: Creative Nonfiction
Content Performance
Quarter Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration
Standards Standards
S1/2 The learner The learner clearly Analyze the theme and techniques used in a particular text Week 1-10
1 Quarter/ understands the and coherently Create samples of the different literary elements based on one’s
3 Quarter literary uses a chosen experience (e.g. metaphor to describe an emotion)
conventions that element
govern the conventionally
different genres. identified with a
(e.g., narrative genre for a written
convention of output.
fiction, etc.)
The learner The learner clearly Analyze factual/nonfictional elements (Plot, Characters,
understands the and coherently Characterization, Point of View, Angle, Setting and Atmosphere,
delineation uses multiple Symbols and Symbolisms, Irony, Figures of speech, Dialogue, Scene,
between creative elements Other elements and Devices) in the texts
and the conventionally Write a draft of a short piece (Fiction, Poetry, Drama, etc.) using any of
nonfictional identified with a the literary conventions of genre following these pointers:
elements of genre for a written 1. Choosing a topic
creative output. 2. Formulating a thesis statement
nonfictional text. 3. Organizing and developing ideas
4. Using any literary conventions of a genre
5. Ensuring that theme and technique are effectively developed
Evaluate other’s draft based on:
1. clarity of idea
2. appropriate choice of literary element
3. appropriate use of the element
4. effective combination of the idea and the chosen literary
Revise the draft of a short piece using any of the literary conventions of
a genre (e.g. plot for narrative piece)