Page 503 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 503
and specific
The learners have The learners shall Identify the various elements, techniques, and literary devices in
an understanding be able to produce specific forms of poetry
of poetry as a a short, well- Write a short poem applying the various elements and literary devices
genre and how to crafted poem exploring innovative techniques
analyze its
elements and
The learners have The learners shall Identify the various elements, techniques, and literary devices in
an understanding be able to produce various modes of fiction
of fiction as a genre at least one striking Write journal entries and other short compositions exploring key
and are able to scene for a short elements of fiction
analyze its story.
elements and
S1/2 The learners have The learners shall Identify the various elements, techniques, and literary devices in drama Week 11-20
2nd Quarter/ an understanding be able to compose Understand intertextuality as a technique of drama
4 Quarter of drama as a genre at least one scene Conceptualize a character/setting/plot for a one-act play
and are able to for a one-act play Explore different staging modalities vis-à-vis envisioning the script
analyze its that can be staged. Write at least one scene for one-act play applying the various elements,
elements and techniques, and literary devices
The learners have The learners shall Write a craft essay demonstrating awareness of and sensitivity to the
an understanding be able to produce different literary and/or socio-political contexts of creative writing
of the different a craft essay on the
orientations of personal creative
creative writing. process
deploying a
orientation of
creative writing