Page 529 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 529
Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning competencies Duration
The learners
demonstrate an The learner shall be able The learners…
understanding of… to…
problems involving solve problems (including logarithmic, and inverse trigonometric functions)
related rates using implicit differentiation Week 9
solve situational problems involving related rates
4 Quarter antiderivatives and formulate and solve illustrate an antiderivative of a function Week 1 to 3
Riemann integral accurately situational compute the general antiderivative of polynomial, radical, exponential, and
problems involving trigonometric functions
compute the antiderivative of a function using substitution rule
population models
solve problems involving antidifferentiation Week 4
solve situational problems involving exponential growth and decay Week 5 to 6
formulate and solve illustrate the definite integral as the limit of the Riemann sums
accurately real-life illustrate the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
problems involving areas compute the definite integral of a function using the Fundamental Theorem Week 7
of plane regions of Calculus
compute the definite integral of a function using the substitution rule
compute the area of a plane region using the definite integral Week 8
solve problems involving areas of plane regions Week 9
Grade Level: Grade 11/12
Subject: General Biology 1
Quarter Content Standard Performance Standard
Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration
The learners demonstrate The learners should be able to...
understanding of...
1 1. Cell Theory 1. construct a 3D model of a Explain the postulates of the cell theory Week 1
Quarter 2. Cell Structure and plant/animal/ bacterial cell using Describe the structure and function of major and
Functions recyclable materials subcellular organelles Week 1
3. Prokaryotic vs Distinguish prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells according to
Week 2
Eukaryotic Cells their distinguishing features