Page 534 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 534


                                                                                       (LAB) Determine mass relationship in a chemical reaction    Week 5

                      the mathematical relationship                                    Define pressure and give the common units of pressure       Week 5
                      between pressure, volume,
                      and temperature of a gas                                         Use the gas laws to determine pressure, volume, or          Week 5
                                                                                       temperature of a gas under certain conditions of change
                                                                                       Use the ideal gas equation to calculate pressure, volume,    Week 5
                                                                                       Temperature, or number of moles of a gas
                      the partial pressures of gases                                   Use Dalton’s law of partial pressures to relate mole        Week 5
                      in a mixture                                                     fraction and partial pressure of gases in a mixture

                      quantitative relationships of                                    Apply the principles of stoichiometry to determine the      Week 6
                      reactants and products in a                                      amounts (volume, number of moles, or mass) of gaseous
                      gaseous reaction                                                 reactants and products

                      the behavior and properties of                                   Relate the rate of gas effusion with molar mass             Week 6
                      gases at the molecular level

         2            the quantum mechanical           Illustrate the reactions at the   Use quantum numbers to describe an electron in an atom    Week 6
         Quarter      description of the atom and its  molecular level in any of the   Determine the magnetic property of the atom based on its  Week 6
                      electronic structure             following:                      electronic configuration
                                                                                       Draw an orbital diagram to represent the electronic         Week 6
                                                       1. enzyme action                configuration of atoms
                      the arrangement of elements      2. protein denaturation                                                                     Week 7
                      in the periodic table and trends   3. separation of components in   Draw the Lewis structure of ions
                      in the properties of the         coconut milk
                      elements in terms of electronic
                      1.ionic bond formation in                                                                                                    Week 7
                      terms of atomic
                                                                                       Apply the octet rule in the formation of molecular
                                                                                       covalent compounds
                      2. the properties of ionic
                      compounds in relation to their
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