Page 535 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
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                      1. covalent bond formation in                                    Write the formula of molecular compounds formed by the  Week 7
                      terms of atomic properties                                       nonmetallic elements of the representative block
                      2. the properties of molecular                                   Draw Lewis structure of molecular covalent compounds        Week 7
                      covalent compounds in                                            Describe the geometry of simple compounds                   Week 7
                      relation to their structure                                      Determine the polarity of simple molecules                  Week 8
                      the properties of organic                                        Describe the different functional groups                    Week 8
                      compounds and polymers in                                        Describe structural isomerism; give examples                Week 8
                      terms of their structure                                         Describe some simple reactions of organic compounds:        Week 8
                                                                                       combustion of organic fuels, addition, condensation, and
                                                                                       saponification of fats

                                                                                       Describe the formation and structure of polymers            Week 8

                                                                                       Explain the properties of some polymers in terms of their   Week 8
                                                                                       Describe the structure of proteins, nucleic acids, lipids,   Week 8
                                                                                       and carbohydrates, and relate them to their function
                                                                                                                                                   Week 8
                                                                                       Describe the preparation of selected organic compounds

        Grade Level: Grade 11
        Subject: General Chemistry 2

         Quarter      Content Standard                 Performance Standard
                                                                                       Most Essential Learning Competencies                        Duration
                      The learners demonstrate         The learners should be able
                      understanding of...              to...
         3            1. the properties of liquids and  Design a simple investigation   Use the kinetic molecular model to explain properties of   Week 1
         Quarter      solids to the nature of forces   to determine the effect on      liquids and solids
                      between particles                boiling point or freezing point   Describe and differentiate the types of intermolecular    Week 1
                      2. phase changes in terms of     when a solid is dissolved in    forces
                      the accompanying changes in      water                           Describe the following properties of liquids, and explain   Week 1
                                                                                       the effect of intermolecular forces on these properties:
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