Page 531 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 531


                                                                                       Differentiate aerobic from anaerobic respiration            Week 3
                                                                                       Explain the major features and sequence the chemical
                                                                                                                                                   Week 3
                                                                                       events of cellular respiration
                                                                                       Distinguish major features of glycolysis, Krebs cycle,
                                                                                                                                                   Week 4
                                                                                       electron transport system, and chemiosmosis
                                                                                       Describe reactions that produce and consume ATP             Week 4
                                                 prepare simple fermentation setup     Describe the role of oxygen in respiration and describe
                                                 using common fruits to produce                                                                    Week 4
                                                                                       pathways of electron flow in the absence of oxygen
                                                 wine or vinegar via microorganisms
                                                                                       Explain the advantages and disadvantages of
                                                                                                                                                   Week 5
                                                                                       fermentation and aerobic respiration

        Grade Level: Grade 11/12
        Subject: General Biology 2

         Quarter      Content Standard                 Performance Standard
                                                                                                 Most Essential Learning Competencies                 Duration
                      The learners demonstrate         The learners should be able
                      understanding of...              to...
         3            Recombinant DNA                                                  Outline the processes involved in genetic engineering       Week 1
         Quarter                                                                       Discuss the applications of recombinant DNA                 Week 1
                      Relevance, Mechanisms,                                           Describe general features of the history of life on Earth,
                      Evidence/Bases, and Theories     make a diagram (e.g.,           including generally accepted dates and sequence of the
                                                                                                                                                   Week 2
                      of Evolution                     pictogram, poster) showing the  geologic time scale and characteristics of major groups of
                                                       evolution of a domesticated     organisms present during these time periods
                                                       crop                            Explain the mechanisms that produce change in
                                                                                       populations from generation to generation (e.g.,
                                                                                                                                                   Week 2
                                                                                       artificial selection, natural selection, genetic drift,
                                                                                       mutation, recombination)
                                                                                       Show patterns of descent with modification from
                                                                                       common ancestors to produce the organismal diversity        Week 3
                                                                                       observed today
                                                                                       Trace the development of evolutionary thought               Week 3
                                                                                       Explain evidences of evolution (e.g., biogeography,         Week 4
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