Page 598 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 598
Grade Level: Grade 7
Subject: SPA – Music
Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Duration
1 Quarter demonstrates understanding illustrates examples of the 1. *explains how the Week 1
of the different artistic integrated art processes in different elements of artistic
expressions; its elements, the different art forms. expression.
processes, principles, and are used.
interrelations. 2. explains the principles of Week 2
artistic organization in the
different art forms.
3. develops the fundamental Week 3
artistic processes in
expressing oneself.
4. explains the Week 4
characteristics of the
different art forms.
5. distinguishes clearly the Week 5
commonalities and
differences among the
different art forms.
6. analyzes elements and Week 6
processes of artistic
expression in the different
art forms.
7. demonstrates the Week 7
elements of artistic
expressions using
soundscapes in music using
the available resources in
your community.