Page 600 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 600


                                        demonstrates understanding                                    11. practices proper care of             Week 9
                                        of the voice as an                                            the voice.
                                        instrument.                                                   12. distinguishes the
                                                                                                      classifications of voice
                  3  Quarter            demonstrates understanding  reenacts festivals according      1.  describes rituals and                Week 1
                                        of local rituals and festivals   to local/regional traditions.   festivals  citing their
                                        reflective of Filipino values,                                   history, place of origin,
                                        ingenuity.                                                       and context.
                                                                                                     2.  observes cultural                     Week 2
                                                                                                         sensitivity to beliefs,
                                                                                                         rituals, customs, and
                                        demonstrates understanding                                    3. analyzes significant use of           Week 3
                                        of music concepts and                                         the arts and creative
                                        processes as applied to the                                   expressions in rituals and
                                        music of rituals and festivals.                               festivals.

                                        demonstrates understanding                                    4. demonstrates the various              Week 4
                                        to the use of different art                                   artistic expressions present
                                        forms and media to portray                                    in the rituals and festivals.
                                        rituals and festivals.                                        5.  establishes the functions            Week 5
                                                                                                      of rituals and festivals.

                                        demonstrates understanding  performs activities that          6. recognizes the                        Week 6
                                        of the importance of music.    shows the importance of        importance of  music.

                                        demonstrates understanding  applies the elements of           7. analyzes the elements of              Week 7
                                        of the elements of music.      music.                         music through listening.
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