Page 602 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 602


        Grade Level: Grade 8
        Subject: SPA – Music

                    Quarter                  Content Standards            Performance Standards         Most Essential Learning               Duration
         1   Quarter                    demonstrates an                creates a cultural map         1. describes the dimensions              Week 1
                                        understanding of heritage.     depicting the music heritage   of society and applies them
                                                                       of  one’s locality.            on an analysis of his
                                        demonstrates an
                                        understanding of the
                                        different dimensions or
                                        modalities of society as
                                        applied in a community and
                                        their various relationships.
                                        demonstrates an                assesses the music resources  2. conducts survey of the                 Week 2
                                        understanding of basic         of the community.              music resources of the
                                        cultural mapping methods.                                     community.

                                                                                                      3. illustrates cultural maps             Week 3
                                                                                                      with clarity, analysis, and
                                        demonstrates an                performs music in solo and     4. evaluates music applying         Week 4 to week 6
                                        understanding of the           with accompaniment.            the basic musical elements
                                        elements of music.                                            and skills
                                                                                                      5. explains how specific
                                                                                                      elements of music are
                                                                                                      applied in particular music
                                                                                                      6. Sight-reads music in
                                                                                                      singing and playing
         2  Quarter                     demonstrates an                                               1. identifies the different              Week 1
                                        understanding of the natural                                  natural heritage of the
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