Page 605 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 605
Teachers are free to choose what elements of music he/she thinks is necessary to apply to the student’s specialization.
• Rhythm (Simple & Compound Meter, Syncopated, Ostinato, Drone)
• Melody (Key Signatures, Scale Degree names Types and Qualities of Intervals, Modes)
• Harmony (Chord Functions, Tonic, Dominant, Chord Progressions, Drone & Melody)
• Tempo (Grave, Lento, Prestissimo, Ritardando, Accelerando, Rubato)
• Dynamics(crescendo, decrescendo, diminuendo)
• Timbre (Hornböestel-Sachs Classification, Voice – SATB, Solo, Duet, Trio, Quartet, Bel Canto, Indigenous Vocal Styles)
• Form (Canon, Fugue, Sonata Allegro, Concerto, Symphony, Theme & Variations, Cyclic form, Indigenous Forms)
• Choral Harmony, Balance & Blending
Grade Level: Grade 9
Subject: SPA – Music
Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Duration
1 Quarter demonstrates an understanding performs Philippine indigenous 1. distinguishes the Week 1
of cross-cultural comparison and Medieval/Renaissance music different functions of
between Philippine indigenous based on its functions to daily Indigenous music in
and Medieval/Renaissance music. life. Philippine and western
2. displays familiarity in Week 2
various performance
practice of Philippine and
Western music.
3.outlines the historical Week 3
and geographical
background of Philippines
and Western countries.
4. analyzes how socio- Week 4
cultural functions and
historical events