Page 607 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 607
5.analyzes how socio- Week 5
cultural functions and
historical events affect
musical forms across
Philippine and Western
6.distinguishes how Week 6
Philippine and Western
music developed alongside
each other through finding
commonalities and
7. applies appropriate Week 7
technical skills in
performing Philippine and
Western music.
demonstrates an understanding 8. applies musical skills for Week 1 to Week 4
of music theory. voice and instrument
9.applies of the elements Week 5 to Week 8
of music through the
chosen specialization:
voice and instrument-
3 Quarter demonstrates an understanding displays familiarity in various 1.describes the different Week 1
of cross-cultural comparison performance practice of functions of music in
between Philippine, American Philippine, American and Philippine, American and
and Japanese musical Japanese musical period. Japanese setting.
development. 2.identifies the historical Week 2
and geographical
background of Philippine,
American and Japanese