Page 603 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 603
heritage of his/her creates maps on the natural community and gives its
community and its different heritage of his/her significance.
ecosystems. community. 2. conducts an inventory of Week 2
the natural heritage of the
community , ecosystems and
give their significance.
3. illustrates the varied Week 3
ecosystems in his/her
community through a
natural heritage map or
visual collage.
demonstrates understanding performs music with an 4.creates soundscapes of Week 4
of the relationship of music ecological content. human and ecological
elements to the earth. situations.
5. create a fusion of earth Week 5
music through
demonstrates understanding performs music in solo and 6. applies the elements of Week 6 to Week 8
of the elements of music with accompaniment. music in voice and
through ensemble playing instrument.
and group singing. 7. demonstrates aural skills.
8. reads music for ensemble
demonstrates understanding playing and singing.
of the various methods and
techniques of singing and
3 Quarter demonstrates an creates a map of the tangible 1. classifies the tangible and Week 1
understanding of the cultural and intangible cultural intangible cultural resources
resources of his/her resources of their in his/her community and its
community, its different community. significance.
types, and significance. 2. conducts an inventory of Week 2
the cultural resources of