Page 604 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 604
demonstrates an 3. illustrates the heritage Week 3
understanding of basic icons in his/her community.
cultural research. 4. analyzes human and socio- Week 4
cultural situations based on
the cultural maps.
5. applies creative integrated Week 5
arts approaches in mapping
tangible and intangible
demonstrates understanding performs music pieces with 6. selects a cultural icon for Week 6
of elements of music as cultural heritage content. music performance.
applied to heritage pieces. 7. analyzes the musical Week 7
characteristics of a short
demonstrates understanding heritage piece.
of the performance of music
pieces with cultural heritage
content drawn from local
community resources.
4 Quarter demonstrates an stages a performance with 1. analyzes the importance Week 1
understanding of program cultural heritage content. of good music programming,
using the integrated arts rehearsal preparation, and
approach. staging.
2.improvises music based on Week 2
demonstrates an local cultural heritage.
understanding of the staging 3. employs acceptable Week 3
process. rehearsal methods to good
program planning.
4. applies aspects of the Week 4
integrated arts approach in
the staging music