Page 609 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 609
Grade Level: Grade 10
Subject: SPA – Music
Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Duration
1 Quarter Demonstrates understanding Performs the genres of 1. Identifies the genres and Week 1
of Philippine music from music (vocal / instrumental) proponents of music from
Philippine Independence to from Philippine Philippine Independence to
the present Independence to the the present
demonstrates understanding employs knowledge on the 2.Outlines the different Week 2
of issues related to the music different issues to one’s own issues affecting the music
profession. music practice. profession.
3.Advocates intellectual Week 3
property rights.
demonstrates an composes music 4.Employs creativity in Week 4
understanding of basic composition and
compositional concepts and arrangements.
arranges music 5. familiarizes with various Week 5
performance having diverse
musical styles.
6. applies music technology Week 6 to Week 7
software in notating,
sequencing and recording
demonstrates an performs skills for voice and 7. shows mastery of musical Week 1 to Week 8
understanding of music instrument-playing elements through varied
reading, basic vocal musical performance.
techniques, instrument