Page 613 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 613


                         enhancement of                                                  executes dance movements of some genres using the basic
                         individual aesthetic                                            concepts, characteristics and functions of the dance.        WEEK 6-8

                         demonstrates                     performs basic  dance          defines the meaning of dance movements.                       WEEK 1
                         understanding  of  the           movement                       explains the importance of body as a medium of                WEEK 2
                         concepts    of    dance          combinations                   communication for dance.
                         movement and space in            (locomotor  and  non-          communicates ideas and expressions through simple body
                         relationship to dance.           locomotor) in relation         movements using locomotor and non-locomotor                  WEEK 3-4
         2  Quarter
                                                          to space.                      movements.
                                                                                         explores movement combinations (locomotor and non-
                                                                                                                                                      WEEK 5-6
                                                                                         locomotor) in relation to personal and general space.
                                                                                         executes dance movements combinations (locomotor and
                                                                                                                                                      WEEK 7-8
                                                                                         non-locomotor) in relation to personal and general space.
         3  Quarter      demonstrates                     creates          basic         describes the elements of dance.                            WEEK 1
                         knowledge           and          movement                       correlates relationship among the different movement        WEEK 2
                         understanding  of  the           combinations    using          patterns.
                         basic elements of dance          the elements of dance          performs movement combinations in relation to-              WEEK 3-4
                         and          movement            in  accordance  with           Rhythm
                         framework  of  Rudolph           the        movement            Force
                         Laban.                           framework           of         Space
                                                          Rudolph Laban.                 relates one’s movement to a partner or group.               WEEK 5-6
                                                                                         performs simple movement patterns applying the basic        WEEK 7-8
                                                                                         elements and principles of dance
         4  Quarter      develops  understanding          creates    movement            explains various dances of the locality/region.             WEEK 1
                         of           movement            combinations inspired          differentiates movement characteristics of the local and/or  WEEK 2
                         combinations    inspired         by  the  local  cultural       /regional dances.
                         by  the  local  cultural         experiences  and/or  a         creates short movement phrases inspired by local cultural   WEEK 3-4
                         experiences  and/or  a           regional dance.                experiences
                         regional dance.                                                 communicates ideas and expressions of the local culture     WEEK 5-6
                                                                                         through short movement phrases.
                                                                                         performs movement combinations through a mini-              WEEK 7-8
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