Page 618 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 618
fundamental movements, and creates dance pieces utilizing explains the function and value of modern dance. WEEK 1
technique of modern dance. the modern dance explores dance literature to improvise dance movements WEEK 2-8
technique. in modern dance compositions.
creates modern dance pieces based from the different WEEK 2-8
proponents utilizing local dance materials (myths, legends,
performs the created modern dance pieces based from the WEEK 2-8
different proponents.
evaluates the application of modern dance techniques WEEK 7-8
through a performance showcase.
3 Quarter demonstrates understanding of creates a collaborative ballet discusses choreographic process in ballet production. WEEK 1
concepts-building and/or idea- dance composition analyzes different choreographic technique in the WEEK 2
generation in creating simple according to a “thematic improvisation of a dance composition.
dances as material for dance concepts.” applies choreographic technique in movement exploration. WEEK 2-8
production composes dance movements into a ballet piece according WEEK 2-8
to the thematic concepts.
explains the importance of quality dance performances WEEK 7-8
and productions.
4 Quarter demonstrates understanding of conducts research and discusses the basic concepts and importance of dance WEEK 1
the concept of dance research documentation of ballet researches.
and documentation. productions/ performances identifies the process of conducting research documentary WEEK 1
through videos and other for dance.
multi-media facility. classifies types of dance research documentaries WEEK 2
lists down possible topics for research. WEEK 2
views samples of video dance documentations. WEEK 2
outlines concepts of proposed dance research WEEK 3-6
finalizes the dance research documentary for ballet WEEK 7-8