Page 623 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 623
mini showcases
environment and
cultural heritage.
4. analyzes key texts in Week 7 to Week 8
world drama in relation
to aesthetic
characteristics of
realistic play.
2 QUARTER demonstrates understanding produces creative outputs 1. acts a role/s from Week 1
of analysis and production of following the styles of acting, selected plays
realistic plays on directing, and designing in (monologues and
environment and heritage. the mode of realism. dialogues)
2. directs scenes from Week 2 to Week 3
selected plays.
3. designs scenery, Week 4
costume and makeup
for a selected play.
4. builds a scale Week 5 to Week 6
model for a selected
5. utilizes foreign materials Week 7 to Week 8
(stories, issues, and
physical resources) to
suit the pieces in the
local context.
3 QUARTER demonstrates understanding writes a short realistic play, Week 1
of playwriting in the mode individually or in a group, 1. explains the qualities of
of realism. based on personal stories a good realistic play.
and community narratives 2. enumerates the steps in Week 2
on environment and cultural playwriting.
heritage 3. writes scenes for the Week 3 Week 6
short play on life