Page 627 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 627
4 QUARTER demonstrates understanding presents a production of a 1. produces appropriate Week 1 to Week 7
of producing a chosen genre chosen genre/ style from production elements for
from Philippine theater. Philippine theater. the selected play genre
drawn from the original
aesthetics of the
Philippine theater form
2. conducts a post- Week 8
performance discussion
on the merits of their
production with clarity,
respect, and confidence
Grade Level: Grade 10
Subject: SPA – Theater
Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Duration
1 QUARTER demonstrates understanding produces a play using 1. explains what is the role Week 1
of theater and its application applications of theater and of theater in sustainable
in the contemporary world drama for different development.
for social transformation developmental goals in
through the principles of society with emphasis on the 2. presents theatrical Week 2 to Week 7
play directing. role of the director and examples and
different artistic tasks in a illustrations on theater
production for various
3. articulates reflection and Week 8
synthesis generated from
theatrical presentations
on development and
social transformation.