Page 629 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 629
• Stage Crew
• Marketing and
3 QUARTER demonstrates understanding produces a full length play 1. performs tasks during Week 1 to Week 6
of the principles and on developmental messages rehearsals: (actor,
processes of play as thesis production with director, artistic or
production. emphasis on the key management staff).
behavior of a member of a
well- knit ensemble of 2. executes the tasks of the Week 7 to Week 8
performers. various roles related to
thesis production:
a. Stage Management
b. Technical
c. Production
d. Managing the
Performance Event
e.Mobile Theater
4 QUARTER demonstrates understanding produces the final 1. explains the importance of Week 1
of the process of evaluating production book consolidating materials
production projects, that may serve as a resource from the play production
audience feedback for future endeavors. book.
2. assesses the production Week 2 to Week 3
3. explains the importance Week 4 to Week 5
of audience feedback
demonstrates understanding appraises various theater 4. conducts research on the Week 6 to Week 7
of possible career applications in different various Philippine
opportunities in theater creative professions/career creative industries that
industry. paths integrate aspects of the
theatrical arts.