Page 631 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 631


                         principles of freehand      elements and principles of   draws  traditional objects applying the basic forms in sketching      WEEK 3
                         sketching as the            designs in the composition  draws still life forms applying the different pencil techniques.       WEEK 4
                         foundation in drawing       of structures and            analyzes the importance and function of elements and principles
                         Philippine arts, culture and  landscapes in various      of arts in freehand sketching composition.                            WEEK 5
                         structures.                 positions and different      draws structures and landscapes in different perspective views
                                                     angles.                      with varied positions. (Philippine Panoramas)                        WEEK 6-8
                         demonstrates                Creates designs on           discovers art in different household items and handicrafts            WEEK 1
                         understanding of the        households items,            appraises the designs found in household items and handicrafts        WEEK 2
                         elements, principles, and   festivals, attires and  props  draws essential designs on household items and handicrafts          WEEK 3
                         the fusion of arts and      based on local motifs and    makes sketches on festival attires based on local motifs and
                         designs                     theme                        themes                                                                WEEK 4
         4  Quarter
                         depicted/communicated in                                 constructs props, costume and stage design for festivals or other
                         festivals/ceremonies and                                 celebrations
                         in the creation of                                                                                                            WEEK 5-8
                         household items for
                         everyday life.

        Grade Level: Grade 8
        Subject: SPA- VISUAL ARTS

            Quarter          Content Standards         Performance Standards                    Most Essential Learning Competencies                   Duration
                                                                               The learner…
                                                     creates art compositions     determines the relationship of visual elements in the creation of
                                                                                                                                                        WEEK 1
                                                     with Asian motifs adapting  meaning using any visual medium.
                                                     the Gestalts theory          explains the principles of  visual perceptions to enhance the         WEEK 2
                         Demonstrates                                             organization of visual elements
                         understanding of visual                                  organizes visual perception to create meaning to visual               WEEK 3
                         perception, color theories,                              compositions.
          1  Quarter
                         principles and painting                                  creates perceptual elements using symbols, size and space, clutter    WEEK 4
                         techniques used in Asian                                 and order and visual cues
                         arts.                        creates varied outputs on   identifies the color theories.                                        WEEK 5
                                                      colored mediums based on  determines the tools and materials needed in colored drawings.          WEEK 6
                                                        the theories of colors    applies different painting techniques in creating compositions
                                                        pondering on painting     with Asian art motifs that express different ideas.                  WEEK 7-8
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