Page 633 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
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                         meanings and concepts       logos and illustrations,     produces assorted paintings, sculptures and illustrations exploring
                         found on the different      festival designs, props and   on different mediums including locally available and indigenous
                         designs, paintings,         costumes.                    materials.
                                                                                                                                                       WEEK 6-8
                         sculptures and illustrations
                         observing the elements
                         and principles of designs.

        Grade Level: Grade 9
        Subject: SPA- VISUAL ARTS

            Quarter           Content Standards          Performance Standards                   Most Essential Learning Competencies                  Duration
                                                                               The learner…
                        demonstrates understanding      creates designs based on    reviews the different Pre-Colonial arts considering the function    WEEK 1
                        of the elements and             traditional patterns and    and traditional designs.
                        principles of arts used in      icons, on Pre-Colonial art   constructs traditional designs and replicas of vessels, sculptures
                        traditional designs of  the     that still exist.           and weapons.                                                       WEEK 3-4
          1  Quarter    Pre-Colonial art.                                           draws traditional icons or structures erected during the Colonial
                                                                                                                                                        WEEK 5
                                                                                    creates 3D artworks or real images to recreate  traditional
                                                                                    artworks by adding textures and patterns using locally available   WEEK 6-8
                                                                                    materials and media.
                        demonstrates understanding      produces artworks of        recognizes the anatomy of a figure and its proportions.             WEEK 1
                        of the processes and            human figure based on       describes the human forms of Classic Greco-Roman art.               WEEK 2
                        parameters in drawing the       the Greco-Roman human       draws posters showing the importance of religious symbols and
         2  Quarter     human figures based on the      forms standards on          images.                                                             WEEK 3
                        Greco-Roman standards.          different European styles.   illustrates different human figures, compositions from live
                                                                                    models using Greco-Roman style                                     WEEK 4-5
                                                                                    produces paintings portraying European influences and styles.      WEEK 6-8
         3  Quarter     demonstrates understanding      creates visual             identifies the kinds of commercial arts.
                        of the development of style     compositions based on                                                                           WEEK 1
                        and art movements brought       modern concepts of art
                        about by the introduction of    making using               utilizes computer software in creating monogram design, poster       WEEK 2
                        new technologies.               cartoons/comics , graphic  design and other advertisements
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