Page 638 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 638


                         advanced principles and       camera by employing advanced      uses simple lighting to illustrate the different effects of   WEEK 2-3
                         concepts of photography       techniques in photography         light on a subject.
                                                                                         demonstrates color, tone and temperature through             WEEK 3-4
                                                                                         identifies ways to improve the quality of the photo.         WEEK 5-6
                                                                                         utilizes photo manipulation software to enhance photos.      WEEK 7-8
           3  Quarter    demonstrates                  creates a functional website      outlines the history of the internet and the evolution of     WEEK 1
                         understanding of principles   applying specific and appropriate  online media and communication
                         and concepts of the           techniques of online              identifies the elements and aspects of the internet and       WEEK 2
                         internet and online media     communication in real world.      world wide web
                         platforms                                                       applies the best practices of a responsible netizen          WEEK 3-4

                                                                                         utilizes available online media through blogging, *vlogging,   WEEK 5-8
                                                                                         *podcast and *photosharing as a marketing tool
                         develops understanding of     creates a website on *life        utilizes the parts and elements of a website or online        WEEK 1
                         the principles of web design  sources and culture by way of a   platform
                         and development and           series of online images meant to  describes the creative process in integrating text, images,   WEEK 2
                         combines this with            relate a story or theme.          and media online
         4  Quarter
                         visualization.                                                  applies the principles of web design using wysiwyg           WEEK 3-6
                                                                                         summarizes creative process through blogging, vlogging       WEEK 7-8
                                                                                         and podcasts

        Grade Level: Grade 9
        Subject: SPA- MEDIA ARTS

            Quarter           Content Standards            Performance Standards                  Most Essential Learning Competencies                Duration
                                                                               The learner…
         1  Quarter      develops understanding of      crafts an online magazine that  defines print and online media, its history, traditional      WEEK 1-2
                         the history and principles of   adheres to the process of      functions, and how it changes peoples’ way of life and
                         print and online media         production.                     beliefs
                                                                                        discerns the values system as described by media               WEEK 3
                                                                                        explains basic copyright and intellectual property laws
                                                                                                                                                       WEEK 4
                                                                                        including concepts of fair use and creative commons
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