Page 641 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 641
4 Quarter demonstrates understanding produces a short film that practices the whole pre-production, production and post- WEEK 1-2
of the role of film as a integrates the various production processes
vehicle to innovate and techniques and principles of produces a short film that shows creativity and command of WEEK 3-4
transform human lives filmmaking technical aspects
creates films for exhibition WEEK 5-6
evaluates own works and those of others WEEK 7-8
Grade Level: Grade 7
Quarter Content Standards Performance Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration
The learner…
demonstrates creates art pieces that explains the commonality and distinguishing elements of artistic
understanding of the showcase the expression in all the arts.
elements and principles of integration of artistic analyzes the commonality and distinguishing principles of artistic
artistic composition expression. organization common in all the arts. WEEK 2
common in all the arts associates literature to art, culture and history. WEEK 3
1 Quarter
writes a narrative drawn from or inspired by a chosen artwork. WEEK 4-5
demonstrates writes an essay on a identifies the elements of essay. WEEK 6
understanding of the chosen topic that recognizes the value of one’s origin and experiences as source/s of
elements and principles of allows creative inspiration in their literary works/outputs. WEEK 7-8
essay writing. expression of one’s self
2 Quarter demonstrates appreciation creates literary works recognizes the different local and regional rituals and festivals. WEEK 1
and that apply the identifies the evident features/elements of ritual and festival as WEEK 2
understanding of local features/elements of language of creative expression.
rituals and festivals as ritual and festival. analyzes the narratives and symbols of ritual and festival in terms of
reflections of Filipino their social and cultural contexts.
values, ingenuity and world
views. WEEK 3-4
understanding of literary