Page 643 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 643
Grade Level: Grade 8
Quarter Content Standards Performance Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration
1 Quarter demonstrates creates literary identifies the different natural resources and ecosystems
understanding of the works which deal found in the local community. WEEK 1-2
ecological realities of the and suggest
community. solutions on the recognizes the evident cultural values of the local WEEK 3-4
present ecological community.
realities of the discusses how one’s natural heritage is shaped by his/her
community. perspective of values and meanings. WEEK 5-6
demonstrates composes a identifies what make/s narratives logical and coherent.
understanding of how narrative in different
narratives are shaped forms. WEEK 7-8
coherently and logically.
2 Quarter demonstrates produces creative defines “talinghagang bukambibig.”
understanding of the fictions or non-
indigenous knowledge fictions using identifies the different “talinghagang bukambibig” in the
(lore) in looking at the different examples local community. WEEK 2
environment as the of local analyzes samples of local “talinghagang bukambibig” that
source of life. “talinghagang reflect the community’s perception of their role in WEEK 3
bukambibig.” preserving/protecting the source of life.
describes the relationship of heritage and ecology from the
indigenous perspective and values.
demonstrates creates literary Cites examples of the basic figures of speech. WEEK 5
understanding of the works by using local explores ways of using and tapping local figures of speech in
basic figures of speech as figurative language. writing new literary works.
tangible expressions of
WEEK 6-8
the community’s values
and worldviews.