Page 642 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 642
criticism as a tool for
literary interpretation
demonstrates appreciation produces an essay analyzes the narratives and figurative language of ritual and festival
and understanding of the which expresses in terms of their social and cultural contexts.
value of analyzing and appreciation of ritual
WEEK 5-8
interpreting ritual and and festival.
3 Quarter • demonstrates appreciation produces his/her own recognizes existing local/regional legends, myths and folktales. WEEK 1-2
and understanding of local literary works applying identifies the evident features/elements of folktale, myth and
folktales, myths and the features/ elements legend as language of creative expression.
legends as reflections of of folktale, myth and WEEK 3-5
Filipino values, ingenuity legend.
and world views.
demonstrates appreciation creates an analytical/ analyzes the narratives and figurative language of folktale, myth and
and understanding of the critical essay legend as reflections of a person’s image in a given social context.
value of analyzing and emphasizing the value WEEK 6-8
interpreting folktales, myths of folktales, myths and
and legends. legends.
4 Quarter demonstrates an Creates short stories, explains the elements of each of the literary genres:
understanding of the poems and dramas 1.1 short story
elements of short story, exemplifying their 1.2 poetry WEEK 1-2
poetry and drama. respective elements. 1.3 drama.
identifies the similarities and differences of the elements of story,
poetry and drama. WEEK 3-5
demonstrates an produces a literary utilizes the elements of creative non-fiction through a literary
appreciation of various travelogue. travelogue.
WEEK 6-8
forms of creative non-