Page 646 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 646


          4  Quarter     demonstrates                  performs poetry          trans-creates selected literary works into different genres.          WEEK 1-4
                         understanding of how a        reading and              creates his/her original literary works.
                         written work is trans-        storytelling using
                         created into different        materials formerly                                                                             WEEK 5-8
                         genres.                       crafted using another
                                                       literary genre.

        Grade Level: Grade 10
        Subject: SPA-  CREATIVE WRITING

            Quarter           Content Standards             Performance                       Most Essential Learning Competencies                     Duration
                                                                               The learner…
         1  Quarter      demonstrates                  produces literary works  writes literary works based on Western literature.
                         understanding of the          inspired by Western
                         influences of Western         literature.                                                                                    WEEK 1-4
                         literature on Philippine
                         literary practices
                         demonstrates                  researches on the        conducts a research on the distinct features of Western literature.
                         understanding of the          development of
                         development of Philippine     Western literature and                                                                         WEEK 5-8
                         literary works in English.    its impact on Philippine
                         demonstrates                  composes short           produces literary works combined with digital technology.
                         understanding of the digital   stories, poems and
                         media technology in the       plays using
         2  Quarter      development of Philippine     conventional writing                                                                           WEEK 1-3
                         literature vis-a-vis the      with the aid of digital
                         modern society                production.
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