Page 651 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 651
Q3 The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates The learner…
understanding of the value in healthful practices in order to • explains the difference between acute and chronic Week 1
recognizing and preventing prevent and control acute and injuries
sports injuries (Acute and chronic chronic injuries • identifies ways of preventing acute and chronic Week 2
injuries) to improve oneself. injuries
• discusses how to recognize and prevent acute and Week 3
chronic sports injuries
• recognizes the signs and symptoms of acute and Week 4
chronic injuries
• follows the appropriate preventive measures for
athletes who suffer acute injury or chronic injury. Week 5
• applies decision-making skills in giving first aid to a
victim of accident. Week 6
practices ways to recognize and prevent sports injuries
Week 7-8
Q4 The learner demonstrates The learner designs personal The learner…
understanding of meal planning meal plan before, during, and • identifies factors that affect nutrition Week 1
before, during, and after after competition • identifies components of a balanced diet Week 2
competition and its effect on • identifies necessary food and nutrients from Food Week 2
nutrition, fitness, and optimal The learner analyzes and Pyramid
performance modifies meal plans for self and • Analyzes dietary requirements of athletes in various Week 3
others sports
• identifies individual dietary requirements depending Week 4
on individual characteristics
• explains the importance of nutrition to athletic Week 5
Week 6
• analyzes hydration practices of athletes
Week 7
• develops awareness in meal planning before,
during, and after competition
evaluates meal planning before, during, and after Week 8
competition specific to sports