Page 655 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 655
• Identifies the ideal method for conditioning in
specialized sports. Week 7-8
Q3 The learner demonstrates The learner creates and conduct The learner…
understanding of the process of a mini conference about the • identifies the different factors affecting the recovery Week 1
recovery from sports specific effectiveness of the different of specific injury from specific sports
injury process of recovery from Sports • identifies step by step Process of Recovery from Week 2
Specific Injury sports specific injuries
• identifies the different healing process which Week 3
contributes to the recovery of athletes from sports
specific injury
• explains the importance of recovery time from Week 4
sports specific injury
• manifests awareness of the effectiveness of Week 5
recovery time that may contribute to the recovery
of athlete from sports specific injury
• evaluates the different aspect of recovery time as Week 6
one process of recovery from sports specific injury
• recognizes the effectiveness of psychological Week 7
recovery which contributes to the recovery of
athletes from sports specific injury
• conducts a mini conference about the importance
Week 8
and effectiveness of different process of recovery
from sports specific injuries
Q4 The learner demonstrates The learner prepares personal The learner…
understanding of nutrition fads nutritional strategy for adequate • identifies the role of nutrition to athletes Week 1
and supplements nutrition • identifies benefits and effects of fads and Week 2
supplements to athletic training and performance
The learner analyzes and • analyzes effects of common supplements to the Week 3
modifies nutritional strategy for body
others • distinguishes fads from healthy ones Week 3
Week 4