Page 658 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 658


                                                                                           •  analyzes cases of doping in local and/or                Week 4
                                                                                              international sports
                                                                                           •  evaluates athletic and societal factors that lead to
                                                                                              doping                                                  Week 5
                                                                                           •  distinguishes the difference of legal and illegal drugs   Week 6
                                                                                           •  develops awareness of ethical issues concerning
                                                                                              doping                                                  Week 7
                                                                                           •  demonstrates ability to make ethical choices as an
                                                                                              athlete                                                 Week 8
                                                                                           •  applies ethical strategies to promote optimal

        Grade Level:  Grades 7-10 Psychosocial/Behavioral Skills
        Specialization: SPECIAL PROGRAM IN SPORTS

         Grade and
                             Content Standards               Performance Standards                 Most Essential Learning Competencies               Duration
           Grade 7    The learner demonstrates           The learner realizes the          The learner...                                            Integrated
           Q1-Q4      understanding of the significance  significance of motivation in     •  defines motivation                                       during
                      of motivation in the pursuit of    relation to one’s athletic        •  lists various motivation for participation in sports   practicum
                      athletic excellence                participation and performance     •  differentiates intrinsic from extrinsic motivation
                                                                                           •  identifies factors influencing motivation in sports
                                                                                           •  discusses consequences of intrinsic versus extrinsic
                                                                                              motivations in sports
                                                                                           •  practices different strategies to enhance one’s
                                                                                              motivation in sports such as goal setting, positive
                                                                                              self-talk, and imagery
                                                                                           •  practices different strategies to enhance one’s
                                                                                              motivation in sports such as goal setting, positive
                                                                                              self-talk, and imagery
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