Page 654 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 654
Grade Level: Grade 9
Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration
Q1 The learner demonstrates The learner identifies proper The learner…
understanding of the technique technique in selected sports • understands proper mechanics needed to perform Week 1
and mechanics of different sports skills and is able to correct skills effectively
skills. errors in performance. • identifies errors in sports skills’ techniques and Week 2
corrects errors in mechanics
• develops understanding of internal biomechanics Week 3
and motor learning in mechanical aspects of human
exercise, sport, and play
• practices throwing, striking, and kicking techniques Week 4
and understands their applications to sport.
• practices swinging and rotating exercises and their Week 5
applications to sport
• practices preparatory actions needed for each skill Week 6
to be effective.
Week 7
• demonstrates proper jumping technique and
differentiates types of jumps
Week 8
• performs a qualitative analysis of sports skills
Q2 The learner demonstrates The learner designs a The learner…
understanding of the principle of comprehensive conditioning • explains the importance of the principle of Week 1
specificity and its impact on program that is specific to a specificity
designing a comprehensive sport. • enumerates the skill related fitness components to Week 2-3
conditioning program. be included in the conditioning program of a
specific sport
• identifies the ideal method of conditioning in Week 4
• identifies the ideal method of conditioning in Week 5
racquet sports
• identifies the ideal method of conditioning in Week 6
throwing events in athletics.