Page 654 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 654


        Grade Level:  Grade 9
        Specialization: SPECIAL PROGRAM IN SPORTS

           Quarter           Content Standards               Performance Standards                 Most Essential Learning Competencies               Duration
             Q1       The learner demonstrates           The learner identifies proper     The learner…
                      understanding of the technique     technique in selected sports      •  understands proper mechanics needed to perform          Week 1
                      and mechanics of different sports  skills and is able to correct        skills effectively
                      skills.                            errors in performance.            •  identifies errors in sports skills’ techniques and      Week 2
                                                                                              corrects errors in mechanics
                                                                                           •  develops understanding of internal biomechanics         Week 3
                                                                                              and motor learning in mechanical aspects of human
                                                                                              exercise, sport, and play
                                                                                           •  practices throwing, striking, and kicking techniques    Week 4
                                                                                              and understands their applications to sport.
                                                                                           •  practices swinging and rotating exercises and their     Week 5
                                                                                              applications to sport
                                                                                           •  practices preparatory actions needed for each skill     Week 6
                                                                                              to be effective.
                                                                                                                                                      Week 7
                                                                                           •  demonstrates proper jumping technique and
                                                                                              differentiates types of jumps
                                                                                                                                                      Week 8
                                                                                           •  performs a qualitative analysis of sports skills
             Q2       The learner demonstrates           The learner designs a             The learner…
                      understanding of the principle of   comprehensive conditioning       •  explains the importance of the principle of             Week 1
                      specificity and its impact on      program that is specific to a        specificity
                      designing a comprehensive          sport.                            •  enumerates the skill related fitness components to     Week 2-3
                      conditioning program.                                                   be included in the conditioning program of a
                                                                                              specific sport
                                                                                           •  identifies the ideal method of conditioning in          Week 4
                                                                                           •  identifies the ideal method of conditioning in          Week 5
                                                                                              racquet sports
                                                                                           •  identifies the ideal method of conditioning in          Week 6
                                                                                              throwing events in athletics.
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