Page 653 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 653


                                                                                           •  describes the classifications of sports specific
                                                                                              injuries                                                Week 4
                                                                                           •  formulates excellent ways on how to recognize,
                                                                                              evaluate, and prevent sports specific injuries          Week 5
                                                                                           •  performs first aid to specific sports injury situations   Week 6
                                                                                           • familiarizes with potential life-threatening injuries
                                                                                             for sport specific injuries                             Week 7-8
                                                                                           • evaluates the result of survey made for sports
                                                                                             specific injuries in maintaining excellent
                                                                                             performance of athlete
             Q4       The learner demonstrates           The learner designs personal      The learner…
                      understanding of meal planning     meal plan for endurance and       •  identifies individual dietary requirements in           Week 1
                      for endurance and power sports     power sports                         endurance and power sports
                      and its effects on nutrition,                                        •  explains the importance of nutrition to athletic        Week 2
                      fitness, and optimal performance  The learner analyzes and              performance in endurance and power sports
                                                         modifies meal plans for self and   •  identifies necessary nutrients and recommendations     Week 3
                                                         others                               for endurance and power sports
                                                                                           •  analyzes dietary requirements of athletes in            Week 4
                                                                                              endurance and power sports
                                                                                           •  analyzes hydration practices of athletes in             Week 5
                                                                                              endurance and power sports
                                                                                           •  distinguishes the difference in meal planning for       Week 6
                                                                                              endurance and power sports
                                                                                           •  applies healthy eating strategies to promote optimal    Week 7

                                                                                              performance in endurance and power sports
                                                                                                                                                      Week 8
                                                                                           •  evaluates meal planning for endurance and power
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