Page 656 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 656
• distinguishes difference of dietary supplements and
ergogenic aids Week 5
• develops awareness in nutritional strategy for
adequate nutrition Week 6
• distinguishes difference of supplements and
ergogenic aids Week 7
• formulates personal goals and nutritional strategy
for adequate nutrition Week 8
• applies nutritional strategies to promote good
health and optimal performance
Grade Level: Grade 10
Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration
Q1 The learner demonstrates The learner identifies errors in The learner…
understanding of movement technique and is able to correct • understands how biomechanics is used to improve Week 1
analysis and its applications to errors confidently. technique
improve technique, improve • explains how movement analysis can be used to Week 2
training and reduce injury.. prevent injuries
• understands how technology can be used to analyze Week 3
• evaluates errors in performance of different skills Week 4
• develops a movement analysis plan that can be
integrated in training Weeks 5-6
• conducts a qualitative analysis on different sports
skills Weeks 7-8
Q2 The learner demonstrates The learner designs a The learner…
understanding of the principle of comprehensive conditioning • discusses the importance of periodization in the Weeks 1-2
specificity and its impact on program that is specific to a long-term preparation for athletic competitions
designing a comprehensive sport. • identifies the ideal method for conditioning) in Week 3
conditioning program. basketball
Week 4