Page 652 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 652
Grade Level: Grade 8
Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration
Q1 The learner demonstrates The learner performs, analyzes The learner…
understanding of different and corrects one’s performance • identifies skill-related parameters of physical fitness Week 1
movement patterns and skill- in the different skill-related • identifies proper technique and form when Week 2
related parameters and their tests. performing balance, agility, speed, and power
applications to sport. exercises
• understands the concepts of acceleration and Week 3-4
deceleration and their applications in sport
• understands the concepts of force and power and Week 5-6
their applications in sports
• performs and evaluates one’s balance, agility, speed Week 7
and power using different methods of testing
• identifies errors in performance and is able to Week 8
correct technique.
Q2 The learner demonstrates The learner designs a The learner…
understanding of various conditioning program that will • discusses the importance of skill related Week 1
methods of conditioning that develop skill-related fitness components of fitness in athletic performance
develops skill-related fitness components (i.e. agility, • demonstrates exercises that will improve speed, Week 2-3
components for efficient balance, coordination, power, agility, and quickness.
performance. reaction time, and speed). • compares the changes in the muscle fiber as a result Week 4
of aerobic training and resistance training
• justifies the importance of including core training in Weeks 5-6
improving balance and stability
• discusses the impact of functional training on Weeks 7-8
Q3 The learner demonstrates The learner evaluates the survey The learner…
understanding of recognizing, conducted inside school campus • discusses the common sports injuries of specific Week 1
evaluating and preventing sports in preventing sports specific sports
specific injuries injuries • identifies ways of preventing sports specific injuries Week 2
Week 3