Page 647 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 647


                         demonstrates                  develops literary works  publishes his/her creative outputs thru digital technology.
                         understanding of the          using the combination
                         production of a masterpiece  of local/traditional and
                                                                                                                                                      WEEK 4-6
                         which combines a literary     digital-based literary
                         genre with another art        styles.
          2  Quarter     demonstrates                                           documents effects of digitalization of literary productions to social
                         understanding of how to                                relationship and creative communication.
                         tap digital technology in the
                         production and                                                                                                               WEEK 7-8
                         popularization of Philippine

         3  Quarter      demonstrates                  creates literary works   compiles literary works that show experiences and/or issues
                         understanding of ethical      that spur social         concerning ethical practices (e.g. “An Enemy of the People,” an issue
                                                                                                                                                      WEEK 1-2
                         practices in the production   transformation.          of corruption in various forms).
                         of literature for social
                         transformation.                                        utilizes interdisciplinary Philippine style/genre in producing literary
                                                                                works for social change.                                              WEEK 3-4

                                                                                writes literary outputs that convey  developmental goals of the
                                                                                society.                                                              WEEK 5-8

         4  Quarter      demonstrates                  launches publication     executes the identified tasks and activities in the pre-publication
                         understanding of the          and/or exhibit of        and production phases.
                         different aspects of artistic   his/her literary works.
                         and managerial tasks in the                                                                                                  WEEK 1-8
                         publication and
                         performance of literary
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