Page 640 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 640


                                                                                        utilizes different online media platforms for different        WEEK 4
                                                                                        applies the principles of new media literacy through various   WEEK 5
                                                                                        media platforms
                                                                                        explains the principles in online writing                      WEEK 6
                                                                                        produces a webpage with Integrated images, graphics, and      WEEK 7-8

        Grade Level: Grade 10
        Subject: SPA- MEDIA ARTS

            Quarter           Content Standards            Performance Standards                  Most Essential Learning Competencies                 Duration
                                                                               The learner…
         1  Quarter      demonstrates understanding  illustrates the distinct           identifies key figures in Philippine cinema and their          WEEK 1
                         of film history and cinema     qualities, aspects, and         significant works or contributions
                         and comprehends the            performance of the cinematic    outlines the history of global and local cinema                WEEK 2
                         principles and concepts as     arts and culture as evident in   analyzes mainstream and independent Filipino films            WEEK 3
                         they are applied in the form.  the film media.                 compiles significant works and masterpieces in                WEEK 4-5
                                                                                        Philippine cinema and broadcast arts
                                                                                        identifies cinematic technique using cinematic language        WEEK 6
                                                                                        evaluates film as art and form of entertainment               WEEK 7-8
         2  Quarter      recognizes a story and         relates the characteristics,    evaluates films, film genres and the directors' styles        WEEK 1-2
                         understands the genre,         factors and performance of      outlines basic film sequence treatment of his own story.      WEEK 3-4
                         messages, and emotions         the Western arts with the       writes basic screenplay                                        WEEK 5
                         conveyed.                      narratives of a film.           utilizes the basic shots and composition of cinematography    WEEK 6-8

                                                                                        operates the basic equipment for film/video production        WEEK 6-8
         3  Quarter      relates arts perspectives to   creates an insightful and       develops a critical eye for non-fiction works of media        WEEK 1-2
                         issues of the contemporary     engaging nonfiction film        identifies famous Philippine documentaries                    WEEK 3-4
                         world as documented in         project on contemporary         systematizes shooting processes and research aspects of       WEEK 5-6
                         films.                         reality and society.            the documentary
                                                                                        creates a series of short film/video exercises that show      WEEK 7-8
                                                                                        knowledge of documentaries, filming techniques, sound
                                                                                        and editing
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