Page 636 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 636


                        industrialization and the       in publications, fashion    communication and information
                        techniques and processes in     design, video art, and      -digital art (creative software)
                        creating design concepts in     product design that         -animated designs/ads
                        different components of         promote or give             -illustrated publications
                        technology and development.  information about the          creates fashion designs reflecting status and condition of the     WEEK 5-6
                                                        Philippine society.         country.
                                                                                    Introduces innovations in the production of local products and     WEEK 7-8

        Grade Level: Grade 7
        Subject: SPA- MEDIA ARTS

            Quarter           Content Standards             Performance                       Most Essential Learning Competencies                     Duration
                                                                               The learner…
                         demonstrates                  creates *electronic      defines the meaning of Art, elements, principles, its significance and   WEEK 1
                         understanding of Art as       visual presentations     uses.
                         portrayed by Filipino artists   showing appreciation   relates popular works of Filipino artists with current events and
                         in their works through        of art works of the      realities.                                                            WEEK 2-3
         1  Quarter      visual communication.         Filipino artists as      recognizes the six art disciplines.                                    WEEK 4
                                                       reflective of the
                                                       Filipino culture.        develops a meaningful interpretation of the art disciplines and the
                                                                                artists’ popular works.                                               WEEK 5-8

                         demonstrates                  creates various visual   discusses the origin and evolution of Philippine festivals.            WEEK 1
                         understanding of the          communication
                         Philippine festival culture   projects based on        explains how images, sound, and text are used to communicate the
                                                       one’s local socio-                                                                              WEEK 2
                         and concepts of visual                                 message of festivals.
         2  Quarter      communication through still   cultural contexts (e.g.   relates the significance of festivals in their lives                  WEEK 3
                                                       local customs, rituals,
                         (photos, paintings, etc.) and   festivals, etc.).      combines images and text to create artistic visual presentations      WEEK 4-6
                         moving images (film,                                   incorporates sound to enhance the presentation of visual
                         animation, presentations,                              communication projects.                                               WEEK 7-8
         3  Quarter                                                             identifies the *different forms of media                               WEEK 1
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