Page 639 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 639


                                                                                        identifies the typographic considerations for various types
                                                                                                                                                       WEEK 5
                                                                                        of printed materials and medium
                                                                                        explains the different layout principles  and color theory of   WEEK 6
                                                                                        graphics in print media
                                                                                        develops a material promoting local and cultural heritage     WEEK 7-8
                                                                                        sites or icons
         2  Quarter      develops understanding of      interprets principles of        discusses the history of radio, its characteristics, and       WEEK 1
                         the history and principles of   broadcasting into actual       elements of sound
                         radio broadcasting             recordings and various forms    explains the laws in media and ethics in radio                 WEEK 2
                                                        of radio programs for           relates the basic principles in writing for radio              WEEK 2
                                                        broadcasting                    writes script for a radio drama and news items                WEEK 3-4
                                                                                        demonstrates the proper modulation and enunciation in          WEEK 5
                                                                                        demonstrates the proper way in conducting an interview         WEEK 6
                                                                                        explains the programming procedure in campus radio and         WEEK 7
                                                                                        radio broadcasting
                                                                                        produces different forms of radio production outputs           WEEK 8
         3  Quarter      demonstrates                   produces a “Live”               discusses the evolution of television                          WEEK 1
                         understanding of the history  *Telemagazine that features a  discusses the Broadcast Code of the Philippines, television      WEEK 2
                         and principles of television   variety of topics               practices and censorship.
                         broadcasting.                                                  evaluates the portrayal of culture and impact of television    WEEK 3
                                                                                        in the society
                                                                                        demonstrates public speaking techniques                        WEEK 4
                                                                                        writes relevant TV scripts based on broadcasting standards.    WEEK 5
                                                                                        discusses the business of television such as advertising,      WEEK 6
                                                                                        block time and sponsors
                                                                                        produces technical quality TV production.                     WEEK 7-8
         4  Quarter      develops understanding of      develops an online portal       explains the Philippine Cybercrime Law and forms of            WEEK 1
                         the modern communication       containing links, graphics,     exploitations such as cyber bullying and pornography in the
                         technologies that led to the   articles, and rich media using   online world
                         convergence of media           an online webpage editor        presents examples of intellectual property infringement        WEEK 2
                         formats.                                                       and plagiarism
                                                                                        translates relevant issues concerning new media through        WEEK 3
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