Page 617 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 617
demonstrates understanding of interprets at least one (1) 2, 3, and 4 time signatures.
dance interpretation Philippine or foreign dance 4 4 4
literature. enumerates the steps in dance interpretation. WEEK 2
interprets dance literature following the steps in dance WEEK 3-8
performs the interpreted dance. WEEK 3-8
4 Quarter demonstrates understanding of conducts documentation of discusses the basic concepts of research. WEEK 1
the concept of dance research. selected local dances explains the importance of conducting research WEEK 1
through videos and other documentary for dance
multi-media facility. identifies the process of conducting research documentary WEEK 1
for dance
views samples of video dance documentations WEEK 2
selects possible topics for research. WEEK 2
classifies types of dance research documentary WEEK 2
outlines concepts of proposed dance research WEEK 3-6
finalizes the research documentary of local dance WEEK 7-8
Grade Level: Grade 9
Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration
The learner…
1 Quarter demonstrates understanding performs a choreographed outlines the evolution of ballet history. WEEK 1
and appreciation of the famous ballet movement phrases. identifies advance ballet technique and skills, famous ballet WEEK 2
classical ballet pieces and the pieces and their choreographers.
choreographer’s contribution executes varied floor, barre, and centrework exercises. WEEK 3-8
in the development of dance. choreographs ballet movement phrases in accordance with WEEK 3-8
the principles and technique using local dance materials
(myths, legends, folklores).
2 Quarter demonstrates understanding of discusses the history and development, fundamental WEEK 1
the history and development, movements, and principles of modern dance.