Page 611 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 611
3 QUARTER demonstrates an performs a musical genre for 1.distinguishes each musical Week 1
understanding of each region of the world. genre
globalization in music.
displays familiarity in various 2. applies appropriate Week 2
performance practice of technical skills in performing
various world music. diverse musical styles
demonstrates understanding conducts research about 3.analyzes the reasons Week 3
of issues related to the music music organizations that deal behind the issues in the
profession. with issues and music musical profession.
advocacy. 4.displays awareness in Week 4
music advocacy and issues
demonstrates an creates music compositions 5.develops creativity in Week 1 to Week 3
understanding of music or arrangements. conceptualizing basic music
reading, basic vocal compositions or
techniques, instrument arrangements.
playing techniques, and sight demonstrates musical skills 6. uses technology to notate, Week 4 to Week 6
reading skills. in voice and/or instrument- transcribe, record or
playing. sequence music.
7. displays mastery of the Week 7 to Week 8
musical elements through
performs skills for voice and musical performances.
applies appropriate technical
skills in performing diverse
musical styles.
4 QUARTER demonstrate an demonstrate creativity in 1.identifies the various Week 1 to Week 4
understanding of the nature conceptualizing and making music professions, their
of the work of various music music compositions or training and nature of work.
careers. arrangements. 2.evaluates one’s aptitude, Week 5 to Week 8
interest and abilities in
relation to the various music