Page 30 - Manage Licenced Premises Learner Workbook
P. 30
as comply with directions from their manager and attend
CANCELLATION OF LICENCES AND MANAGER’S training as required to ensure everyone is on the same
When a licensee or manager commits three holding offences The server’s responsibilities to their establishment are to
(“strikes”) within three years, the licence may be, and the comply with Act and the conditions of the licence, comply
manager’s certificate will be, cancelled for five years. There with workplace policies and directions from their manager,
is no right of appeal to the High Court. and promote responsible consumption of alcohol and
maintain a safe drinking environment.
Examples of holding offences include:
• Sale or supply of alcohol to minors or intoxicated persons The server’s responsibilities to their customers are to give
• Irresponsible promotion of alcohol a high level of service and encourage the safe and healthy
• Sale or supply of alcohol after licensed hours use of alcohol and suggest alternatives, such as low-
alcohol or non-alcoholic options.
There are serious penalties for breaching the Sale and Supply
of Alcohol Act 2012. Licensees, managers and bar staff can The server’s responsibilities to their community are to
all be prosecuted under the Act. It is essential for all staff use their host responsibility skills to help to reduce alcohol
to be familiar with the requirements of the legislation and related crime and harm to the community.
understand its importance to do their job.
The server’s responsibilities regarding the advertising
and promotion of alcohol are to promote responsible
consumption of alcohol and follow the establishment’s
written guidelines regarding responsible promotion of
Both the duty manager and the server working in a licensed DUTY MANAGER RESPONSIBILITIES
premise have contributions to make to create a responsible
licensed drinking environment and comply with the Act. The duty manager’s responsibilities to themselves are to
Overall, the manager is responsible for compliance with and comply with the Act and the conditions of the licence and
the enforcement of the: maintain a safe workplace.
• Provisions of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012 The duty manager’s responsibilities to their staff are
• Conditions of the licence to ensure staff are properly trained and meet legal
• Conduct of the premises, with the aim of ensuring the requirements and licence conditions, to ensure there is
safe and responsible sale and supply of alcohol and clear and effective communication among staff at all levels,
minimizing alcohol-related harm. to provide support for staff, and to follow up incidents
reported by staff.
What we’re going to do now is break this down in terms
of duty manager and server responsibilities in relation to The duty manager’s responsibilities to their establishment
the following categories: self; staff; the establishment in are to comply with and enforce the provisions of the
which drinks are served; the customer; the community; the Act, the conditions of the licence and the conduct of the
advertising and promotion of alcohol. premises, with the aim of ensuring the safe and responsible
sale of alcohol.
SERVER RESPONSIBILITIES The duty manager’s responsibilities to their customers are
to ensure that host responsibility measures are in place to
The server’s responsibilities to themselves are to comply ensure the safe and responsible sale and supply of alcohol
with the Act and the conditions of the licence and to and prevent intoxication.
attend training as required to ensure they have the skills to
implement host responsibility. The duty manager’s responsibilities to their community
are to ensure that host responsibility measures are in place
The server’s responsibilities to other staff are to support to prevent intoxication and minimise alcohol-related harm
other team members and communicate effectively, as well to the community.