Page 31 - Manage Licenced Premises Learner Workbook
P. 31


           The duty manager’s responsibilities regarding the    HOW TO CREATE A SAFE DRINKING
           advertising and promotion of alcohol are to ensure   ENVIRONMENT
           advertising and promotions do not encourage excessive
           or irresponsible consumption, and to not undertake   OVERCROWDING AND EVACUATION PROCEDURES
           promotions that conflict with the Act.
                                                                Overcrowding – Duty Manager’s Responsibilities:

           BENEFITS OF CREATING A RESPONSIBLE LICENSED          For safety reasons, most premises must show a maximum
           DRINKING ENVIRONMENT                                 number of people allowed in each bar or lounge.

           Creating a responsible licensed drinking environment   If your premises are overcrowded it is not be safe because
           benefits you, your staff and your customers and it helps to:  it will be difficult to evacuate quickly and safely. The Police
                                                                could shut you down for overcrowding.
           •   Reduce alcohol abuse, anti-social behaviour and
               alcohol related crime.                           The maximum occupancy is based on the Building Code
           •   Improve the enjoyment, safety and appeal of your city   2004, the fire report submitted, the number of exit doors
               or local area.                                   and the type of fire alarms fitted.  You must:

           Let’s have a look at some specific examples of benefits in   •   Display a sign the shows the maximum occupancy
           relation to the following categories: self; the establishment;   (highest number allowed).
           the customer; the community.                         •   Have a system for counting how many people are on
                                                                    the premises.
           Benefits to yourself would be less stress at work about   •   Have a system in place to reduce numbers
           complying with the licence and the Act, greater job      immediately if they go over the maximum (e.g. stop
           security, and greater job enjoyment.                     people from entering and stop service, turn the music
                                                                    off, put lights on full, count the numbers leaving).
           Benefits to your establishment would be less likelihood
           of prosecution or having the licence cancelled, more   If they visit and find you that you are overcrowded, the
           customers as it is a more enjoyable, safer environment   Police will stop you operating until you reduce the numbers
           and, as a consequence of this, a stronger more profitable   to the required level. Council building compliance officers
           business.                                            can also issue instant fines up to $3,500 each to the
                                                                manager and licensee.
           Benefits to your customers would be they would be
           in a safe, enjoyable environment, they can enjoy good,
           responsible service, and they will have better long-term
           health outcomes through a lower consumption of alcohol.

           Benefits to your community would be a reduction
           of alcohol abuse, anti-social behaviour and alcohol
           related crime – therefore a safer community, health and
           emergency services will be more available to everyone,
           and there would be lower health costs.  It would also allow
           police to spend more time and resources in other areas of
           the community where they are required.

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