Page 33 - Manage Licenced Premises Learner Workbook
P. 33
Host Responsibility is based on six key elements. A
ServeWise is a free e-learning tool for sellers and servers responsible host:
of alcohol and provides a basic understanding of the Sale 1. Prevents intoxication
and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012. It has a strong focus 2. Does not serve alcohol to minors
on intoxication, minors, server intervention and Host 3. Provides and actively promotes low-alcohol and non-
Responsibility. Staff can access the training at ServeWise. alcoholic alternatives Certificates of completion can be printed off 4. Provides and actively promotes substantial food
and copies placed on file in the staff training register.
5. Serves alcohol responsibly or not at all
6. Arranges safe transport options
Your premises should have a Host Responsibility policy
documenting your commitment to these six key host
Host Responsibility is the term given to the strategies, responsibility practices. This policy must be clearly visible
plans and/or procedures that ensure you operate your to patrons and staff. Staff must be aware of the policy,
premise in a responsible manner making it a comfortable, be suitably trained and receive obvious support from
inviting and safe place to be, where alcohol is part of the management, including the ongoing discussion of issues
business - not the whole of the business. It is particularly that may arise.
relevant to On, Club and Special licenses where alcohol
is consumed on the premises. Host Responsibility is a
national requirement and it affects all Licensees, duty 1. PREVENTING INTOXICATION
managers and staff.
Every licensee, manager and server of alcohol has a legal
The aim of Host Responsibility is ensuring Licensees are obligation to:
committed to assisting their managers and servers of
alcohol to accept and demonstrate responsible practices • Prevent people from becoming intoxicated on licensed
when serving alcohol, as well as improving business premises.
• Refuse service to people who have become
• Prevent intoxicated persons from entering the
• Ensure intoxicated customers leave the premises.