Page 39 - Manage Licenced Premises Learner Workbook
P. 39


                                                                Using the assistance of security staff (licensed door
           If you do need to ask a prohibited person to leave, stay   If you have a security person go and calmly, clearly and
           calm and take the following ACT steps:
                                                                quietly ask him/her to assist the prohibited patron to leave
                                                                the premises.  You may need to ask the security person to
           A.  ADVISE the patron they are being asked to leave.
                                                                step over to quieter place so you can talk discreetly.  Do
                                                                not do anything to annoy or embarrass the patron or create
               Be calm, make eye contact, point to the sign     a fuss.  If you or security have to use force to remove a
               ‘Intoxicated persons/ Minors will not be served’, and   patron be very careful not to use excessive unjustified
               say in a polite, friendly, assertive tone,
                                                                force, even though they may have assaulted you.
               “I can’t allow you to stay on the premises because it’s
               against the law. Please leave. I can help you call a taxi   Another approach to getting the person to leave
               if you need one.”
                                                                In our view one of the best ways to get a person out of
               Use open, non-threatening body language and smile.
                                                                the facility, if they are not angry but will not go, is to say “I
                                                                can’t hear you here” and point to a place nearer to the door.
           C.  If they refuse, then you must CAUTION them.  Warn   Once you are near the door say again, “I can’t hear you, it
               that if they do not leave, then you might have to take   has to be quieter outside”.
               further action and they will be trespassed from the
                                                                When you have the patron outside then they are off the
                                                                premises. Tell them they are now outside and under the
               Using the same body language and voice tone as   Trespass Act they cannot enter for the period they are now
               before say,
                                                                banned for.
               “You have not left the premises after I asked you to.
               By law I can’t let you stay here.  If you don’t leave I   Call the Police?
               will have to trespass you. I will stay with you while you
               gather your things.”
                                                                •   Your safety and that of your staff and other patrons
                                                                    is most important, so if the person is increasingly
           T.   If they still refuse to leave, then they must be advised   aggressive or becomes violent call the Police.
               that they are now TRESPASSING on the premises.
                                                                •   If the person remains in or outside your premises after
                                                                    you have trespassed them call the Police.
               Using a firm, calm, voice say:
               “You are now trespassing on this premises under the   Record the incident
               Trespass Act 1980. I will provide you with a trespass
               notice in writing. You may not return for (State amount   Whatever happens you must record the incident in your
               of time up to 2 years)”.  Get the notice arranged quickly   log/incident book.
               – see the section on Trespassing earlier in this Manual.
               If they leave before you can give them the notice, keep   Include the time, date, staff involved, offender’s name if
               it and fill out an incident report.
                                                                known, description of the offender, description of events,
                                                                actions taken to manage the situation, the outcome,
           They must be given reasonable time to leave.  They can’t   witness name(s) and details of any damage caused.
           drink alcohol if they are a prohibited person, but they can
           gather their things and arrange transport.  Do not tell them
           they can leave when they have finished their drink (non-
           alcoholic).  The person will only delay it.  It would be more
           appropriate to say, “I will stay with you, finish your drink

           Always try to get the patron to leave on their own accord.
           Stay with them and make sure they leave the site.

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