Page 41 - Manage Licenced Premises Learner Workbook
P. 41


           WORD LIST

            Low alcohol               2.5% of alcohol or less by   Prohibited persons     People under the Sale and
                                      volume.                                             Supply of Alcohol Act who
            Manager’s certificate     This allows a person to be                          you cannot sell or supply
                                      appointed as a duty manager                         alcohol to.
                                      in charge of a premises    Provision                To provide or supply
                                      selling alcohol.                                    something.
            Minor                     A person who is under the   Purpose                 The reason something exists
                                      age of 18 years.                                    or why it is done or made.
            Miscellaneous             Made up of many different   Reciprocal              Given or shown in return for
                                      things.                                             an action.
            Object                    A person or thing that an   Responsibility          Being accountable or
                                      action or feeling is directed                       answerable to somebody or
                                      at.                                                 for something.
            Objection                 Expression of opposition or   Restricted area       Only people 18+ and over
                                      disagreement.                                       allowed.
            Obligation                Something that must be     Supervised area          Under 18 allowed but only
                                      done because of legal or                            with parent or legal care
                                      moral duty.                                         giver.
            Offence                   A crime. An act that is    Suspension               Stopping someone or
                                      against the law.                                    something for a period of
            Patrons                   A customer, especially a                            time.
                                      regular one.               Temporary                Something that exists or
            Penalties                 A legal or official punishment                      occurs for a limited amount
                                      for committing a crime or                           of time.
                                      other offence, e.g. a fine or   Tolerance           Accepting the differing
                                      imprisonment.                                       views of other people, e.g. in
                                                                                          religious or political matters.
            Permitted                 To allow something or give
                                      permission for it.                                  Fairness towards other
                                                                                          people who hold different
            Principal entrance        The main entrance to the                            views.
                                                                 Tribunal                 A court of justice.
            Prohibit                  To forbid somebody to do
                                      something by passing a law   Unfortified            Weak.
                                      or making a rule.          Warrant                  A permit that authorises
                                                                                          somebody to do something.

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