Page 40 - Manage Licenced Premises Learner Workbook
P. 40


          WORD LIST

           Administers              Manages and is responsible   Enzyme                    A chemical produced by
                                    for the running of                                     living cells.
                                                                 Evidence of age           Valid identification including:
           Alcohol                  A substance that is or                                 NZ Driver’s licence; Passport;
                                    contains a fermented,                                  Hospitality NZ 18+ or Kiwi
                                    distilled, or spiritous liquor,                        Access Card.
                                    and contains 1.15% of alcohol   Event                  An occasion and a gathering
                                    or more by volume.  A licence
                                    is required to sell alcohol.  Explicit                 Showing all details in a clear
                                                                                           and obvious way.
           Alcohol-related harm     The harm caused by the
                                    excessive or inappropriate   Extension                 Increasing the size, scope,
                                    consumption of alcohol; and                            range, or application of
                                    includes any crime, damage,                            something.
                                    death, disease, disorderly   Fermentation              A process that turns juice
                                    behaviour, illness, or injury                          into alcohol
                                    directly or indirectly caused   Gambling               Playing games of chance
                                    or contributed to by the                               or betting in the hope of
                                    excessive or inappropriate                             winning money.
                                    consumption of alcohol.
                                                                 Guardian                  Someone who protects
           Amenity                  How the premises is viewed                             somebody or something.
                                    from the front, i.e. its street
                                    appeal.                      Host                      Somebody who receives
                                                                                           entertains and provides a
           BYO                      Bring Your Own (alcohol).
                                                                                           service for someone else or a
           Characteristics          A feature that makes                                   group of people.
                                    someone or something         Infringement              Failing to obey, keep, or
                                                                                           preserve something, such
           Conditions               Set of requirements. Things                            as a rule, the law, trust or a
                                    that have to be done.                                  promise.
           Consumption              Eating or drinking           Intoxicated               Drunk. Observably affected
                                    something.                                             by alcohol, other drugs or
           Conveyance               A vehicle, eg a bus, aircraft,                         other substances.
                                    boat or train.               Legal Guardian            Someone with the authority
           Default                  Preselected, the usual                                 of a parent as given under
                                                                                           the Care of Children Act
           Designations             A name, label or description                           2004.
                                    given to something or
                                    somebody.                    Licence                   A document that gives
                                                                                           official permission to a
           Distill                  To purify a liquid by heating                          specific person or group to
                                    it so that it vaporises, then                          own or do something.
                                    cooling and condensing the
                                    vapour and collecting the    Licensee                  The person who holds the
                                    resulting liquid.                                      licence.
           District                 An area of a town or country.  Licensed premise        Any premises for which a
                                                                                           licence to sell and supply
           Emergence                The process of something                               alcohol is held.
                                    becoming obvious or
                                    recognised.                  Liquor                    Alcoholic drink
           Enforcement              The process of making sure   Local alcohol policy      A policy relating to the sale,
                                    that something happens.                                supply, or consumption of
                                                                                           alcohol within the district of
                                                                                           a territorial authority
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