Page 17 - 2021 Reflections on Bloemfontein Sports
P. 17
DANCE Ar ticles
By - Bloemfontein FDDCMFS
Jürgen Smith Provincial Competition
Dance comes in all forms. The Langenhovenpark who introduced
- Dance your health into
beauty of dancing is that it?s not us to the world of Dance. We listed
balanced fitness. It?s as
only a form of artistic expression quite a few dance institutions in
easy as Cha, Cha, Cha
but also a fun way to improve Bloemfontein where anyone from
health and confidence. any age could sign up.
In the beginning of the year, we Later, we met with the Dance Drill,
were fortunate enough to meet Cat Cheerleading & Majorette Sport Wher e to get
van der Merwe at Dancesation in Free State (FDDCM FS) who aspire
to a great 2022.
star ted
- Dancesat ion
- D2 Dance St udios
- Karon?s Dance Academy
- Dance Dominat ion Sencia du
- Dance Mouse Bloemfont ein
- Creat ive Dance Academy
- Louise Fourie Dancing
St udios
- Cogle Dance Connect ion
- Creare Training Cent re
- Ult imat e Dance St udio
- Vert ical Energy Fit ness St udio
- MDG Performing Art s