Page 18 - 2021 Reflections on Bloemfontein Sports
P. 18

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     Like athletics,                                     EQUESTRIAN
     equestr ian cater s for

     many disciplines. Most                                           By Jürgen Smith

     stables specialize in a
     selected few, but to
                                               Our journey into the world of       than the ones we were used to
     find out mor e, below
                                               Equestrian had a personal           because you and your horse
     ar e a few links that                     interest. Not only as a person      compete as a team. When your

     could help you out,                       who loves animals, but also the     teammate is from a different
                                               psychological impact they have      species, the test becomes
     depending on your
                                               in certain types of therapy.        unique in a way that only
     needs.                                    Equestrian as a sport would         athletes in similar situations can

                                               always have a different dynamic     relate.

        -   Sout h African
            Equest rian Federat ion
            Websit e
        -   Art icle: The secret
            world of Equest rian in
            Bloem revealed.
        -   BFN Sport  Result s
            Page: Equest rian
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