Page 20 - 2021 Reflections on Bloemfontein Sports
P. 20

Ar ticles
                                                         OVAL TRACK
        -   Dirt  Track Racing In
            Bloem, What  You                                          By Jürgen Smith
            Should Know To
            Appreciat e The Sport
        -   Oval Track Racing
                                               Oval Track Racing remains part      danger.
            Ret urned Wit h
                                               of an athlete?s DNA. Maybe not
            Red-hot  Passion                                                       Most races were canceled due
                                               so much the racing cars, which
                                                                                   to lock-down restrictions, but
                                               sounds kind of the point, but
                                                                                   eventually, we were treated
                                               surviving to the end. For others,   with two events in quick
          Race Results                         it might be the powerful            succession. First, we met racers
                                               presence that vibrates in our
                                                                                   with the Free State
                                               soul - the noise, the smell, and
                                                                                   Championships and later, the
                                               the lingering atmosphere of
                                                                                   annual Rose Bowl.
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