Page 21 - 2021 Reflections on Bloemfontein Sports
P. 21

Picture by Christo Steyn

                        DOG AGILITY                                                                Ar ticle

                                     By Jürgen Smith                                    -   6 Things we had wrong
                                                                                            about  Dog Agilit y
                                                                                            Sport s in BFN

        Most of us              dog is your
        classify sports         teammate and
        with animals for        not a tool like a
        ourselves as a          ball or an object

        measure of how          you need to
        well we can             throw. Its
        accomplish a            behaviour during
        certain task,           the competition
        handicapped             is unpredictable.
        with an animal.
                                Eventually, from
        The perception is
                                23 - 26 Sept, we
        so flawed that a
                                could attend
        person thinking
                                Free State
        like that will
                                Regional trials to
        never do well in
                                learn what made
        such a sport. The
                                this activity so
        primary reason is
        that like an
        equestrian, the
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